learner experience

This is our favourite page on the website. The page where we stop talking, and let our Learners take over. So you can find out what it's really like to train with us...
There's a number of ways we invite feedback from those who have trained with us:
Learner Voice
Evaluation forms

Learner voice is a round-table discussion we host once a month with current Learners.
Here's some of their asks and the actions we've taken in response:
Cycling Teesside Hub Learners asked for a safe space to leave their bike
✔️We brought and installed a bike rack
Learners asked for oatmilk to be available at our free tea and coffee station
✔️So now it is
Learners wanted the option to stay on their work experience pathways post-qualification
✔️We're introducing a new delivery programme from April 2024 that will offer some longer-term provision
With an ever expanding team, Learners asked if we could provide a picture board of all the people they're likely to meet
✔️The team were happy to pose, and you can now find a Team Board at each Hub
Learners at our Teesside Hub asked for a greater choice of workshops alongside their main pathway choice
✔️From April 2024, we've introduced 'My Workshop Choices' where Learners can self-direct their learning to gain practical skills for work and life
*for actual scale, hold screen 1cm from nose



Being independent
